If starting your business is hard, then making it grow is harder especially if you want to manage the growth. It takes considerable effort - wearing different hats, dealing with sales and marketing, understanding taxes and corporate compliance, and more. It seems like a lot. But if you buckle down, clear your mind, create growth strategy, it can be a very different ride.
We all do. Very few businesses are happy about their profits and chance are you are no exception. What are the hindrances in your profitability and growth? Higher production costs or excessive spending? Lack of customers or flawed business model?
Our Grow your business (GYB) module focuses on fundamentals of business - something we can all miss while trying hard to run it. There are always options available to add value to your business, create income streams and plug leaks in the system. You will also learn about solutions outside of your business which can help lift your cashflow.
Interested in learning new ways to grow your business? Contact us for our FREE training session which will help you see your business in a new perspective and identify areas of growth along with strategies to make it happen.
Who can help you with business growth? Rao Kan.
We have compiled a special E-book for you to learn more about this subject which can be so vital for your business as well as yourself.
It's absolutely FREE for you to download!
Just click on the button below and send us your details, we'll do the rest.
Generally, generating an income typically requires your active participation in the form of a full-time job. But then we all know how consuming a full time job is, and how little time it leaves you with. Wouldn’t it be great to make money on the side? Who wouldn't want to make extra money without working for it every day? Hundreds of thousands have done it. You can do it too. Results guaranteed.
Welcome to Create Regular Passive Income (CRPI). In this module, we’ll teach you techniques and methods to open a new income stream and strategies to keep it working for you all the time. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme or the kind that makes a salesman out of you. No sales targets imposed on you either. This avenue requires hard work but with handsome rewards and rapid growth in keeping with your performance. If you put your heart and soul in it, this avenue can change your life.
Interested in earning passive income while doing your day job or business? Contact us for our FREE training session which will help you learn how to create income streams with expert advice and hard work.
Who can help you earn more money? Rao Kan.
We have compiled a special E-book for you to learn more about this subject which can be so vital for your business as well as yourself.
It's absolutely FREE for you to download!
Just click on the button below and send us your details, we'll do the rest.
Obviously to meet more people, make better contacts and establish mutually rewarding relationships. But do we all get the most out of it? Do we always know where socialising ends and networking begins? Perhaps not all the time.
Welcome to Make Networking Work (MNW). In this module, we’ll take a close look at networking - it is not a modern buzz word but has been part of us for centuries. Without being self centered or with a whats-in-it-for-me approach, there is a lot you can get out of networking. We will discuss the value of giving before we expect to receive anything.
Interested in making networking work for your business? Contact us for our FREE training session which will help you learn the art of networking successfully and expand your business.
Who can help you become great at networking? Rao Kan.
We have compiled a special E-book for you to learn more about this subject which can be so vital for your business as well as yourself.
It's absolutely FREE for you to download!
Just click on the button below and send us your details, we'll do the rest.
No matter what business you do, you depend on the long term loyalty of your best clients. On the other hand, clients look for reasons to either stay with a provider, or look for other alternatives. In essence, both parties are looking for value. Are you consciously adding value to your clients? More importantly, do you know what is of value to them?
Something you need to learn more about?
Welcome to Win Clients' Loyalty (WCL). In this module, you'll learn about what makes two parties stay loyal to each other. How the definition of value varies from one to another. How we want to add value as soon as we receive it from the other party. How to make value-add an integral part of your job or business.
Interested in learning new increase client loyalty? Contact us for our FREE training session which will help you learn how to provide real value which makes clients loyal to a product or service.
Who can help you retain clients? Rao Kan.
We have compiled a special E-book for you to learn more about this subject which can be so vital for your business as well as yourself.
It's absolutely FREE for you to download!
Just click on the button below and send us your details, we'll do the rest.
Rao Kan brings to the table experience and expertise from years of working with the best in the industry in Management, Technology, HR and Finance. What you receive is distilled, focused training that you can use in your real life situation right away.